Posted by: bhaveshms25 | May 16, 2015


Art as we all know is not mere hobby, skill or talent in much more deeper sense it has become a medium of awareness, awakening the masses rather than just past time. This view of art was truly shown in Kala Ghoda Art festival 2013, by showcasing various issues like Save Earth, Violence against Women, Female Foeticide. The artists beautifully crafted this serious & Heart trenching topics through the medium of art into common man’s mind.

Kala Ghoda art festival has been an epoch in developing art as an important part of our society also a base for other art & cultural festivals held in Mumbai. It has been a platform for young and talented artists encouraging their thoughts, ideas, creativity & skills at a stage where it can be admired by people. It gives chance to new faces each year. Hence it has been an inspiration for upcoming artist and their works since its inception in 1999.

Several changes has been made in organising, Sponsorship, venue etc. of the festival. This year cross maidan was added as a new venue because of the restrictions imposed by the residents on the issue of noise. Kala Ghoda art festival covers various monuments & heritage places in iconic south Mumbai namely David Sasoon library, Elphinstone College, Kitab Khana, Arbour, Horniman garden, N.G.M.A, Museum, Jehangir Art Gallery, Cross Maidan, Asiatic steps, Rampart Row, Max Mueller Bhavan, Coomaraswamy Hall, B.N.H.S, I.C.I.A, Artist’s Centre, West Side etc. Kala Ghoda is not only an institution it has also preserved culture & heritage of all South Mumbai.

At its beginning there were no commercial stalls in the festival but very soon it was included & it was an art festival cum fair. It resulted in visitors getting better eatery & services, while watching the exhibits they can now even shop for antique things & in return stall owners they earned revenue on the reputation of the marvellous festival. There were in total 78 stalls in 2013 ranging from carpets, Hand bags, Foot wear, Antiques, Books & other show pieces.

Similarly sponsorships has undergone changes, during 1st year it was mostly supported by artists to run this festival which gradually gained big sponsors on the basis of its popularity. As the festival grew & made its presence felt all over the world, the ministry of culture took over its finances realising its necessity for betterment of society & values. Times of India are the title sponsors of 2013.

In an interview to our group Mr Madhusudan Kumar secretary of Artist’s Center & committee member of 1st Kala Ghoda Festival  briefed us on Festivals genesis & working he gave us knowledge on the purpose of festival which was encouraging emerging talents, maintaining our culture, preserving heritage & lastly spreading happiness to everyone through the medium of Art. We also met Ms Brinda Miller Director of Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2013 & Ms Jyoti Karmarkar organising member who gave their inputs on the festival.

Like every year Kala Ghoda will always be a symbol of excellence in art thronged by visitors & tourists across the globe. It is one festival every Person looks forward to visit because it has been very kind and mesmerising for art lovers throughout the decade. People visit to have a break with their life and to get involved in something creative out of their monotonous life with their family, friends and close ones for refreshment, recreation to be happy. This shows Kala Ghoda is serving its purposes and will continue to marvel us in coming years as well.

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